Opportunity: A director at Intuit and alumnus of California Polytechnic University asked me to co-host an introduction to design thinking seminar at Cal Poly for business school students as well as facilitate a Lean Start-up for students wanting to take their Lean skills to the next level.
Results: We spoke with 3 classes of 2nd year business school students & went through a custom "interviewing customers 101" class. During each class we offered all students an opportunity to come back at 8 am on the following Friday morning to participate in a Lean Start-Up event.
Given our audience we didn't have high hopes for filling too many seats at the event however, much to our surprise, we ended up with an overflow of students and a need to schedule a second event.
After the events completed we asked students to rate the experience. All students were satisfied with the experience and a handful of students even stated that it was the best academic learning experience they've ever had.